I planted 200 spring bulbs each year for the past 3 years.
I planted some in the spring and some in the fall.
I say bulbs, but I also plant tubers, corms, and rhizomes. So if I use the word bulb, it’s just easier to categorize it as a bulb. I’ll add seeds and bare root plants topics in when I am talking about bulbs, too.
It’s always a happy day when I see my snowdrops finally starting to bloom.
I love the stage right before flowers bloom.

Then the colors start to burst in my garden from my crocus, daffodils, hyacinth, tulips and iris.

I just bought three packages to plant soon.

Liatris isn’t the prettiest of flowers, but I enjoy them because they’re longlasting both in the garden and as cut flowers. In the garden, I enjoy the fuzzy texture and they attract butterflies and hummingbirds. I am looking forward to having the height of these flowers in my garden. They can grow up to 3 feet tall. While it’s a corm versus a bulb, I am stilling sharing it here.

I also bought bare root baby’s breath. I’ve never grown it before. As a cut flower, it dries out so quickly, so I hope that I have good luck with this plant. I was a floral designer for 15 years and I never liked baby’s breath! Now I have a fondness of it. Mature Height: 24-28″ makes it a nice addition to my garden. I expect that I might need to add lime to my soil and possibly stake and deadhead this plant. We’ll see.

I love oriental style lilies. I don’t have any in white, so I picked these bulbs. I was always a fan of Casa Blanca lilies, so I’m sure that I will love these, too. They need full sun and I have a great spot for them. But I’m considering planting them in a big pot, but we’ll see. Grows 36-48″ tall. Has double petals versus anthers. That means no lilly poop on my hands or clothes which is always nice!
I planted these Stargazer lilies two years ago and bought another plant last year.

I also bought some seed packets. I haven’t bought seeds in years. Thinking of my backyard birds and bought some sunflowers. I’ve also wanted to plant zinnias. I might put some of the seeds in a pot. I love the look of zinnias in a planter. Hope they grow and then I can save the seeds. Both types of flowers are so bright and happy.

That’s what I have so far for spring. I’m not sure how much I’m going to buy this year because my focus is on my backyard birds and finishing the yard clearing. Plus mulch alone costs me a small fortune and takes up more than half my annual garden budget. But I have a hard time resisting new garden plants and now that so much of my yard has been cleared, I have a lot of empty space for new plants.
I was reading this thread on Reddit and the poster said “Does anyone else miss personal gardening blogs, or am I just too old? I used to like following and reading along with people who just tended their gardens (not selling a book, course, or how to’s).” There were around 100 replies.
I feel what she’s saying at my core. I hope my blog has the feel of the simpler times on the internet. I have no one to impress. I’m just a woman in Michigan with an almost empty nest. Once upon a time I wrote a lot more than I have lately with a platform of readers that I couldn’t keep up with. But now, I’m on a journey of reclaiming myself. So far? It’s clumsy and uncomfortable because even my own voice has changed, but I’ll get there. It’s a promise I made to myself.
Years ago, when I got the call to be syndicated, my acquisitions editor told me, it doesn’t matter what you name your work. The cream will always rise to the top. He told me to not get wrapped up in the name. When I started to look for a domain name a couple of weeks ago, I chose the name QT Bird because it made me happy. After I registered it, I wondered does it seem like it’s named Quart Bird?